Posthusplatsen 31st of Aug , 1st and 2nd of September
Oktoberfest is back join the tradition in Malmö since 2014
We are back at Posthusplatsen, Malmö.
Enjoy the fantastic atmosphere at Malmö Oktoberfest in Aug/September 2023 with German beer directly from Bavaria, German food and live bands. Come and sample the atmosphere!
Welcome to the famous Oktoberfest Malmö a festival of Lederhosen, beer and pop music!
We have free admission Thursday and an admission fee of kr. 100 on Friday and Saturday. We have German beer, wine and food for sale. Alternatively, book a package with reservation including food and drink for Kr. 495-595. The festival takes place in the middle of the city center at Stortorget with fantastic ‘Tyrolermusik’ and beer from Germany, which is served by women in Dirndl and men in Lederhosen. The festival is held from 31st Aug, 1st and 2nd of September 2023. Opening Thursday 17-23, Friday 17:00-01:00 and Saturday 17:00-01:00. Come and experience the amazing atmosphere!
Thursday we have a speical student offers.
See our video here:
When and where:
Posthusplatsen, Malmö

"Det var såååå roligt! Kom tillbaka nästa år!"

"Jag trodde aldrig jag skulle stå på bänken och sjunga 'Vi ses igen'."
Lasse H.,

"Var där i torsdags och det var helt suverän stämning! Det är bara att dyka upp!"